In business, as in life, goals and destinations are vitally important, but equally the journey to achieve those goals is just as important.
We at Semprevino have been on this particular journey now for 8 years. We started with a passion for great wine, close friends and a life well lived. We are still enjoying ourselves hugely and our effort in rebranding Semprevino for the next phase of its life is another significant step down the path.
We have taken the opportunity to take another look at Semprevino and reaffirm our reasons for starting and continuing with the business. We are happy to say that we are even more enthused about producing and sharing great wine with our families, friends and customers. Just as with our wines, we are learning more everyday about our brand, what it means to us and our supporters and how we can continue to improve and enhance it going forward.
To help us with this task we turned to our good friends Nancy and Miguel at award winning Melbourne design firm, HM. Together with their Design Manager Tom, we set about a re-examination our brand and what it meant to us. Obviously an appreciation of great wine was part of the story. But so to were our Italian links via Russell, a humble appreciation for the long history of wine, Simon's passion for calligraphy and type in general and Dave's encylopedic knowledge of bottles of all types, full and empty! To bring all of these together under the Semprevino umbrella was our goal and one we think we have achieved.
We journeyed back to the 15th Century, inspired by papal scribe and type designer Ludovico Vincentino deli Arrighi, one of the earliest known designers of typefaces with swashes and author of the handwriting manuscript La Operina, first published in 1522.
A page from the La Operina manuscript.
We also referenced the amazing colour pallet used in paintings from that period, beautiful vibrant reds, deep burgundy and soulful blue.
Reference images displaying amazing 15th Century colour palettes
These insights and learnings all contributed to the final design of our new logo and its use in the overall Semprevino brand. They informed our bottle design, down to intricacies around the style of enclosure, typography in the labelling and our packaging.
We love it and hope you do too.